Practical Information & Resources

Dealing with Screens:  The 3-6-9-12 guide.

Dealing with Screens: The 3-6-9-12 guide.

The 3-6-9-12 rule is a guideline for parents to manage their children's exposure to screens and technology, proposed by psychiatrist Serge Tisseron in 2008. It is structured around four critical stages of a child's life: admission to pre-kindergarten, entering grammar...

Gen Z is Not Tech-Savvy

Gen Z is Not Tech-Savvy

The new generation is often described as “tech-savvy.” But what does it really mean? In this article, I argue that this assumption is misleading and that the truth is more complex. I'll explore how the term “tech-savvy” can be defined, the challenges that Gen Z (born...

Wait until 8th – Let kids be kids a little longer

Wait until 8th – Let kids be kids a little longer

Wait until 8th – Let kids be kids a little longer The "Wait Until 8th" pledge is an initiative that encourages parents to delay giving their children a smartphone until at least 8th grade. This movement is driven by concerns over the distractions and potential dangers...

An alternative to screens: Audiobooks

An alternative to screens: Audiobooks

PRACTICAL ADVICE Audiobooks we recommend: We enthusiastically recommend the Lunii and Yoto MiniPlayer for audiobook experiences for children. Our recommendation comes purely from our positive experiences with these devices and their ability to captivate and stimulate...


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